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Dalibor Martinis: ETERNAL FLAME OF RAGE_Notebook

Dalibor Martinis: ETERNAL FLAME OF RAGE_Notebook
Dalibor Martinis. Eternal Flame of Rage

"Eternal Flame of Rage" is the monograph publication on Dalibor Martinis' synonymous artistic project that generates procedures from the acts of rebellion that take place irregularly but frequently on the margins of big cities, as a rule expressing themselves in the form of a burning car. It seems that this fragmented, pre-political and unconnected rage needs a burning car as a common symbolic form. By performing the artistic act of burning a car, Dalibor Martinis intends to appropriate all such acts of dissatisfaction, rebellion and rage that have already been carried out, or that are yet to happen on different occasions and in different places. By placing this act in the context of art, we can perhaps understand all the future car-burnings as elements of some more clearly structured conceptual and metapolitical framework. At the same time, he gives back to the pavement and the social memory all those burning cars which have burned or will burn in places like Paris, Beirut, Baghdad, Berlin or Belgrade.

Year: 2012

Editors: Boris Greiner, Dalibor Martinis

Published & distributed by: DAF, Zoran Senta

Texts: Boris Greiner, Dalibor Martinis, Žarko Paić

Language: Croatian / English

Pages: 100

ISBN: 978-953-6956-28-9