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Vlado Martek: Sonnetomania

A Mania for Sonnets – Sonnetomania is an art book created by Vlado Martek (born 1951), a Croatian conceptual artist and poet, a member of the Group of Six Artists.
The book consists of two compatible parts: one part is made of thoughts, slogans, proverbs on poetry and creation in the spirit of open experimenting, the other of images, i.e. backgrounds that carry the problematization of poetry, writing and creation today. It is an art compendium of sorts.
As background materials there are glass, mirror, sand, cellophane...
Certainly, the materials imply various meanings.
To this extent, the visual (photographs) carries the total problem area of experimenting within the concepts of language and the pictorial.
This is also the framework of Martek's poetics within his 40 years of activity, in other words, the alchemy of art. One should not forget the spiritual dimension of every artistic exploration. It also presents a joint basis for all important truths in art. The unity of verbal and visual in their mutual proficiency is presented in this project. The encouragement clearly stems from the romanticism as the extended manneristic practice up until today.
Specifically, the backgrounds to writings visible in staged photographs include sand, mirror, tracing paper, glass. When those are met with applied language and language characters, a reality of experiment appears that transcends the borders of automatic understanding of habitual poetry. Martek coined a name for this practice: prepoetry.

Year: 2014

Editors: Vlado Martek, Zoran Senta

Published & distributed by: DAF, Zagreb

Language: Croatian / English

Pages: 184

ISBN: 978-953-6956-32-6