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Boris Cvjetanović DRUŠTVO / SOCIETY

Boris Cvjetanović DRUŠTVO / SOCIETY
Boris Cvjetanović

The publishing of the monograph went as planned. The final version of the book has 280 pages and it contains 244 photographs from 11 series shot during the 1980s and 1990s: „Mrlje/Stains“, „Mesnička 6“, „Ljudi u šahtovima/People in Shafts“, „Štrajk rudara u Labinu/Miners' Strike in Labin“, Škola/School“, „Studenci“, „Bolnica/Hospital“, „Zatvor/Prison“, „Radnici/Workers“, „Američki lijesovi/American Coffins“ and „Ljetovanje/Holidays“.
In the meantime these series have become quite renowned locally, so their publication in one place acquires an almost anthological character. In addition to offering a detailed and precise insight into the part of Cvjetanović's oeuvre which had secured him the status of one of the most prominent Croatian photographers and artists, this book also provides a portrait of the last two decades of the 20th century, sheding light on different aspects of society in that period: political, social, institutional, familial…

Aside from photographs, the book contains two extensive texts: „Surveyed and Photographed“ (Leonida Kovač) and „Trap of the Calotype Discourse“ (Branka Slijepčević), plus a conversation between Boris Cvjetanović and Boris Greiner: „View on Photography“.

Year: 2022
Editor: Boris Greiner
Publisher: PETIKAT, umjetnička radionica, B. Hanžekovića 57, Zagreb
Language: Croatian/English
Pages: 230
Print run: 400
ISBN: 9789536946549