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Inter Nos

Inter Nos
    • Inter Nos
  • 1977
  • video, b&w, sound; 3 b&w photographs; concept drawing; text
  • 49min, 6sec
The Installation "Inter Nos" (1977) consists of two rooms connected by two closed TV circuits without an audio link, and an entrance space where a direct transmission takes place for the audience.
During the entire action I am shut in a room, thus being invisible to the audience. Visitors enter the second room one at a time. A private dialogue develops between us, as I interfere with the visitor´s screen image which provokes his or her individual reaction. Concurrently, the audience receives only the participant´s image.

With this work, the artist continues dealing with the topic of social interventions while meeting with the gallery’s audience; she does so by establishing contact through the barriers she has set up. This is preceded by a performance in which she greets the audience with a bandage over her mouth while her beating heart can be heard over the loudspeakers, thus directly registering her relationship (“The Opening at the Tomasseo”, Trst, 1977). In “Inter Nos”—an interactive, melancholic and eroticized work—the artist is separated from her audience in another room, with communication taking place through the television screens using technical equipment to enable video contact.